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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 40(9); 2003 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2003;40(9): 881.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2003.40.9.881
용융침투법으로 제조한 알루미나-유리 복합체의 내마모 특성
경성대학교 재료공학과
Wear Behavior of Alumina-glass Composites Prepared by Melt Infiltration
Wear and friction properties of the alumina-glass dental ceramics were evaluated in exact in vitro environment (artificial saliva at 37$^{circ}C$), using a ball-on-disc apparatus, at contact loads from 49 N to 196 N and with the disc rotating at 120 rpm up to 10$^{6}$ cycles to investigate the wear behavior. As the load increased from 49 N to 196 N, the friction coefficient of 0.025 was maintained, however, the volumetric wear rate rose from 2.18 ${times}$10$^{-9}$TEX>$mm^{3}$/Nㆍm to 2.35 ${times}$10$^{-6}$TEX>$mm^{3}$/Nㆍm. Experimental results indicated that the wear behavior of the alumina-glass composites with a sliding distance of 4.4 km was a typical adhesive wear, which was applicable for orthodontia ceramic brackets.
Key words: Wear, In-vitro, Alumina-glass composites, Dental brackets
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