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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 40(7); 2003 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2003;40(7): 677.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2003.40.7.677
석탄회-점토계 슬립의 분산상태에 따른 소결체의 물리적 특성
강승구, 이기강, 김유택, 김정환
경기대학교 첨단산업공학부 신소재공학전공
Physical Properties of Sintered Body for Coal Fly Ash-clay Slip of Varying Dispersion State
The physical properties of sintered body made from 3 kinds of slip, F (Flocculated), M (Moderate), and D (Dispersed) for coal fly ash 70-clay 30 (wt%) were studied in terms of slip states and pore size distribution of sintered bodies. The floc particle size distribution for slip F was wider than slip D and the slip F contained flocs larger than 11 $mutextrm{m}$. The pore size distribution of the green body of all slips ranged over 1∼4 $mutextrm{m}$. The pores smaller than 1 $mutextrm{m}$ almost disappeared during the sintering process, while the larger pore of 2.5∼3 $mutextrm{m}$ growed by 1 $mutextrm{m}$. The pore distribution for the green body of slip F became a narrow in width and high in height after sintering and the large pore limit in a slip F sintered body was 5.1 $mutextrm{m}$ which is smaller than that of other slip. The slip F rather flocculated was favorable over slip D well dispersed, in offering a higher compressive strength. From these results, the mechanical strength of sintered body is dependent on the pore distribution which could be controlled by dispersion state of the slips.
Key words: Coal fly ash, Clay, Slip, Dispersion, Particle size distribution, Pore size distribution, Compressive strength
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