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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 40(7); 2003 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2003;40(7): 615.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2003.40.7.615
Dielectric and Electrical Properties of Ce,Mn:SBN
Bong-Hoon Kang, Young-Sop Paek, Bum-Ku Rhee1, Ki-Soo Lim2, Gi-Tae Joo
Electro-optic Ceramics Lab., KIST
1Department of Physics, Sogang University
2Department of Physics, Chungbuk National University
Temperature and frequency dependence of dielectric and electrical properties was investigated in cerium and manganese doped Sr$_$0.6/Ba$_$0.4/Nb$_2$O$_$6/(60SBN) ceramic system. Structural deformation of 60SBN by dopants did not appeared. 1350$^{circ}C$-10 h sintered specimen had higher densification than 1250$^{circ}C$-10 h sintered one, to which dielectric properties are related. That the feature of dielectric maxima peaks was typical Diffusive Phase Transition (DPT), it was explained by "random-field Ising model". Even though 60SBN has large dielectric loss at high frequency above 100 ㎑, it is desirable for optical applications because of low dielectric loss at low frequency. From Arrhenius plot of temperature, the activation energy was calculated to 0.45-0.49 eV.
Key words: Ce,Mn:SBN, Relaxor ferroelectrics, Diffusive phase transition, Random field Ising model, Arrhenius plot
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