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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 40(4); 2003 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2003;40(4): 346.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2003.40.4.346
Influence of ZnO-Nb2O5 Substitution on Microwave Dielectric Properties of the ZrTi04 System
Woo-Sup Kim, Joon-Hee Kim, Jong-Han Kim, Kang-Heon Hur
Materials Research Group, Chip Component Team, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co.
Microwave dielectric characteristics and physical properties of the new Zr$_{1-x}$ (Bn$_{1}$3/Nb$_{2/3}$)xTi $O_4$ (0.2$leq$x$geq$ 1.0) system have been investigated as a function of the amount of Bn$_{1}$3/Nb$_{2/3}$ $O_2$substitution. With increasing Bn$_{1}$3/Nb$_{2/3}$ $O_2$ content (x), two phase regions were observed: $alpha$-Pb $O_2$ solid solution (x<0.4), mixture of the rutile type Zn$_{1}$3/Nb$_{2/3}$Ti $O_4$ and the $alpha$-Pb $O_2$ solid solution (x$geq$0.4). In the$alpha$-Pb $O_2$solid solution region below x<0.4, the Q.f$_{0}$ value sharply increased and the Temperature Coefficient of the Resonant Frequency(TCF) decreased with increasing Bn$_{1}$3/Nb$_{2/3}$ $O_2$ contents while dielectric constant (K) showed nearly same value. In the mixture region above x$geq$4, the dielectric constant and TCF increased with increasing Bn$_{1}$3/Nb$_{2/3}$ $O_2$ content. Zr$_{1-x}$ (Zn$_{1}$3/Nb$_{2/3}$)xTi $O_4$ materials have excellent microwave dielectric properties with K=44.0, Q.f$_{0}$ : 41000 GHz and TCF =-3.0 ppm/$^{circ}C$ at x=0.35.=0.35. x=0.35.=0.35.
Key words: ZnO-$Nb_2$$O_5$, Microwave dielectric: $ZrTi0_4$
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