지르코니아 세라믹의 열수 상 안정성 |
이득용, George A. Gogotsi1, 김대준2, 박노진3 |
대림대학 재료정보공학과 2한국과학기술연구원 복합기능세라믹센터 3금오공과대학교 재료공학과 |
Hydrothermal Stability of Zirconia Ceramics |
Deuk-Yong Lee, George A. Gogotsi1, Dae-Joon Kim2, No-Jin Park3 |
Department of Materials Engineering, Daelim College of Technology 1Institute for Problems of Strength, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2Multifunctional Ceramics Research Center, KIST 3Department of Materials Engineering, Kumho National University of Technology |
3mol% $Y_2O_3$ Partially-Stabilized Zirconia single Crystals (PSZCs) containing a small quantity (<0.5%) of rare-earth oxides ($CeO_2,;Tb_2O_3$) were prepared by using a direct high-frequency skull melting technique to evaluate hydrothermal stability in an autoclave. Pole exhibited no $t{rightarrow}m$ phase transformation during aging for 5h at temperatures from 150 to 250$^{circ}C$ and 4MPa water vapor pressure in an autoclave, resulting in excellent hydrothermal stability. |
Key words:
Zirconia, Skull melting, Single crystal, Hydrothermal stability |