화학 기상 증착법으로 제조한 ReMnO3(Re:Y, Ho, Er) 박막의 전기적 특성 |
김응수, 채정훈, 강승구 |
경기대학교 재료공학과 |
Electrical Properties of ReMnO3(Re:Y, Ho, Er) Thin Film Prepared by MOCVD Method |
Eung Soo Kim, Jung-Hoon Chae, Seung-Gu Kang |
Department of Materials Engineering, Kyonggi University |
$ReMnO_3$(Re:Y, Ho, Er) thin films were prepared by MOCVD method available to non-volatile memory device with MFS-FET structure. $ReMnO_3$ thin films were deposited on the Si(100) substrate at 700${circ}C$ for 2h. When the films were post-annealed at 900${circ}C$ for 1h in air, the single phase of hexagonal $ReMnO_3$ thin films were detected. Ferroelectric properties of $ReMnO_3$ thin films were dependent on the degree of c-axis orientation in the single phase of hexagonal structure and remnant polarization (Pr) of $YMnO_3$ thin films with high degree of c-axis orientation was 105 nC/$cm^2$. Leakage current density was dependent on the grain size of microstructure and that of $YMnO_3$ thin films with grain size of 100∼150 nm was $10^{-8}$ A/$cm^2$ at applied voltage of 0.5 V. |
Key words:
$ReMnO_3$, Remanent polarization, MOCVD, Leakage current density, Degree of c-axis orientation |