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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(3); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(3): 259.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.3.259
석탄회와 석회석으로 제조된 인공경량골재의 소성특성
김도수, 이철경, 박종현1
한국지질자원연구원 자원활용부
1한국동서발전주식회사 당진화력발전처
Sintering Properties of Artifical Lightweight Aggregate Prepared from Coal Ash and Limestone
Do-Su Kim, Churl-Kyoung Lee, Jong-Hyeon Park1
Recycling Research Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
1Dangjin Thermal Power Plant, Korea East-West Power General Company
In this study, sintering properties of Artificial Lightweight aggregates(ALAs) prepared from coal ash as a function of sintering temperature (900$^{circ}$C, 1000$^{circ}$C, 1100$^{circ}$C) and time (2min, 5min, 10min) when limestone added as lightweight mineral was investigated. Increasing the sintering temperature resulted simultaneously from a decline of quartz mineral as well as growth of mullite mineral. Addition of limestone to ALAs newly formed sintered minerals such as clinoptilolite and plagioclase. Sintering effect of ALAs prepared from coal ash and limestone was more affected by a sintering temperature than time. As sintering temperature and time increae, transition of macropore to micropore and formation of closed pores were happened, consequently shrank the total pore volume of ALAs. The surface of ALAs sintered at 1000$^{circ}$C for 5min was nearly not detected open pores due toe amalgamation effect of molten slag layer but homogeneous distributions of closed pores with micro-scale were examined in cross sectional area ALAs. Sintering temperature and time which present the most adequate state, in the preparation of ALAs, are corresponded to 1000$^{circ}$C and 5min, respectively.
Key words: Sintering properties, Artificial lightweight aggregate, Coal ash, Limestone
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