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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(3); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(3): 299.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.3.299
직응집성형법을 이용한 질화규소의 실형상 성형공정 및 성형특성
정윤성, Cecile Pagnoux1, 정연길2, 백운규
한양대학교 공과대학 세라믹공학과
2창원대학교 공과대학 세라믹공학과
Near-Net-Shape Forming and Green Properties of Silicon Nitride by Direct Coagulation Casting Technique
Yun-Sung Jung, Cecile Pagnoux1, Yeon-Gil Jung2, Un-Gyu Paik
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Hanyang University
1Ecole Nationale Superieure de Ceramique Industrielle
2Department of Ceramic Science and Engineering, Changwon National University
In this proposed study, a new emerging shape forming technique Direct Coagulation Casting(DCC) which enables to fabricate complex-shaped ceramic parts has been investigated using colloid surface chemistry. Various process variables affected by dispersant, coagulation agent and sintering additives, have been evaluated in order to achieve highly concentrated stabilized silicon nitride suspensions. A high solid loading of 51 vol% in the dispersed silicon nitride suspension was prepared with 1.0wt% Tetraethylammonium Hydroxide (TEAH), which obtained a stable silicon nitride suspension with sintering additives $(Al_2O_3;and;Y_2O_3)$ in alkaline regions. The addition of hydroxyaluminium diacetate into the suspension, which decomposed at elevated temperatures, led to coagulate of a silicon nitride suspension. In a basic medium, aluminum ions precipitated to aluminum hydroxide $(Al(OH)_3)$, leading to decreased $OH^-$ concentration and, thus, coagulated suspension.
Key words: Silicon nitride, Dispersion, Direct Coagulation Casting(DCC), Suspension
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