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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(3); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(3): 315.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.3.315
저농도 HF 수용액을 이용한 Al(OH)3의 표면처리
김도수, 이철경, 양동효
한국지질자원연구원 자원활용부
Surface Treatment of Al(OH)3 using Dilute Hydrofluoric Acid Aqueous Solution
Do-Su Kim, Churl-Kyoung Lee, Dong-Hyo Yang
Recycling Research Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Treatment effects of dilute hydrofluoric acid (6 wt% HF) on the surface properties of $Al(OH)_3$ were investigated at the molar ratio of F/Al(fluoride/aluminum)=0.15. Temperature and pH variations in the reaction system were recorded to analyze reaction mechanism between $Al(OH)_3$ and aqueous Hf. The reaction of HF to the surface of $Al(OH)_3$ accompanied with a quantity of heat evolution, resulting in increasing temperature of a reactionsystem. And also the reaction was proceeded as transitional state which metastable ${alpha}-form;AlF_3{cdot}3H_2O$ was transferred to insoluble ${beta}$-form. The resulting ${beta}-form;AlF_3{cdot}3H_2O$ formed by a surface treatment was identified by FT-IR and X-ray diffractormetry. The formation of ${beta}$-form aluminum fluoride hydrates with diameter less than $1{mu}m$ on the surface of $Al(OH)_3$ could be visulaized by SEM imgae, making up a coating layer as precipitate-like. The surface whiteness of $Al(OH)_3$ treated with aqueous HF was furthermore increased approximately 6.6% due to the formation of surface hydrates.
Key words: Surface treatment, Aluminum hydroxide, Hydrofluoric acid, ${\beta}-AlF_3{\cdot}3H_2O$
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