Polymerized complex법에 의한 ZnWO4 nanopower의 제조 |
류정호, 임창성1, 오근호 |
한양대학교 세라믹공학과 CPRC 1한서대학교 신소재연구소 CPRC |
Synthesis of ZnWO4 Nanopowders by Polymerized complex Method |
Jeong-Ho Ryu, Chang-Sung Lim1, Keun-Ho Auh |
Department of Ceramic Engineering, CPRC, Hanyang University 1Institute of Advanced Materials, CPRC, Hanseo University |
ZnWO$_4$ nano-powders were successfully prepared by polymerized complex method using zinc nitrate and tungstic acid as starting materials. In order to investigate the thermal decomposition and crystallization process, the polymeric precursors were heat-treated at temperatures from 300 to 600$^{circ}$C for 3 h, and the heat-treated powders were characterized by XRD and FTIR. The surface morphology of the heat-treated powders were observed using SEM and TEM. The crystallite size was measured by X-ray analysis. Crystallization of the ZnWO$_4$ powders were detected at 400$^{circ}$C and entirely completed at a temperature of 600$^{circ}$C. The particles heat-treated 400 and 500$^{circ}$C showed primarily co-mixed morphology with spherical and silkworm-like forms, while the particles heat-treated at 600$^{circ}$C showed more homogeneous morphology. The average crystalline size were 19.9∼24.nm showing an ordinary tendency to increase with the temperatures from 400 to 600$^{circ}$C. |
Key words:
ZnWO$_4$, Nanopowder, Polymerized complex method, Crystallization process, Surface morphology |