점토계소지내에서 전기로 더스트 중금속의 소성 온도별 안정화거동 |
권용준, 김유택, 이기강, 김영진, 강승구, 김정환 |
경기대학교 재료공학과 |
Stabilization Behavior of Heavy Metals in the EAF Dust-clay Body Mixtures at Various Sintering Conditions |
Yong-Joon Kwon, Yoo-Taek Kim, Gi-Gang Lee, Young-Jin Kim, Seung-Gu Kang, Jung-Hwan Kim |
Department of Materials Engineering, Kyonggi University |
Stabilization behavior of Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb, Fe and Zn heavy metals in the EAF dust was investigated by adding EAF dust to clay or white clay, respectively, up to 50 wt% with 10 wt% intervals and sintering at temperatures between 200 and $1200^{circ}C$ with $200^{circ}C$ intervals with an aid of ICP-AES followed by TCLP test to evaluate heavy metal cation exchange capacity of the clay or the white clay. The clay or the white clay had a better Cr ion exchange capacity than that of zeolite. The TCLP leaching test for the sintered specimens showed that Cr and Fe were rarely detected for all the specimens and the concentration of Cd and Zn decreased with increasing sintering temperature and decreasing EAF dust contents respectively. When the clay or the white clay were mixed with EAF dust, cation exchange may occur between the clay and the EAF dust so that the first stabilization of the mixtures containing semistabilized heavy metals may happen. Stabilization of heavy metals in the ceramic bodies was further completed probably due to the eutectic reaction caused by the sintering of semi-stabilized mixtures. It was conceivable that the white clay rather than the clay may be a better stabilizer for the EAF dust containing heavy metals. |
Key words:
EAF dust, Heavy metal, TCLP leaching, Stabilization, Cation exchange capacity |