고주파용 대용량 단위 유전체 제조공정과 ZrO2 첨가에 따른 전기적 특성 연구 |
안영수, 김준수, 박주석, 김홍수, 한문희, 노광수1 |
한국에너지기술연구소 기능소재연구센터 1한국과학기술원 재료공학과 |
Study on Condition of Fabrication Processing for R. F. High-power Unit Capacitor and Electrical Characteristics According to Addition of ZrO2 |
Young-Soo Ahn, Joon-Soo Kim, Joo-Seok Park, Hong-Soo Kim, Moon-Hee Han, Kwang-Soo No1 |
Functional Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research 1Department of Material Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Fabrication and electrical characterization of R. F. High-power unit capacitors were investigated to study on condition of fabrication processing for R. F. High-power unit capacitor and electrical characteristics according to addition of $ZrO_2$. The unit capacitors were fabricated using tape casting. The optimum mixture ratio of dielectrics and mixing binder for the slurry fabrication was 57.5∼60.0: 42.5∼40.0 wt%. The slurry viscosity was 4000∼5000 cps and casting state of green tape fabricated using these slurry was excellent. Optimum stacking was made by 200 kg/$cm^2$ pressure with 80$^{circ}C$ heating. $ZrO_2$ was added to improve the electrical characteristics of unit capacitor, especially breakdown characteristics. The dielectric constant and loss factor of the unit condenser having different $ZrO_2$ amounts was not changed in the addition range of 1 to 5 wt%. Also, dielectric constant was not changed in the frequency range of 10 to 500 kHz. It was found that characteristics of resistance voltage was improved through the formation of $CaZrO_3$ and the reduction of particle size as about 3wt% $ZrO_2$ was added. |
Key words:
High-power ceramic capacitor, Tape casting, $CaTiO_3$, $ZrO_2$ |