착체중합법으로 합성한 SrAl2O4:Eu2+ 분말의 형광특성 |
김선혜, 심광보, 강은태1, 정덕수2, 김창삼2 |
한양대학교 세라믹공학과 1경상대학교 무기재료공학과 2한국과학기술연구원 복합세라믹스연구센터 |
Luminescence Property of SrAl2O4:Eu2+ Powder Prepared by the Polymerized Complex Method |
The phosphorescence powder, SrA1$_2$O$_4$:Eu$^{2+}$, synthesized by a Polymerized Complex Method(PCM), has been compared with that by a Solid-State Reaction(SSR), and their luminescence characteristics have been studied. The PCM powders were synthesized at 90$0^{circ}C$ and the SSR powders at 120$0^{circ}C$. The size of PCM powders was about 0.1${mu}{textrm}{m}$ and one tenth of that of the SSR powders, which was due to the lower synthesized temperature. On the other hand, residual carbon in the PCM powders decreased with an increase in the crystallinity of host lattice, which was responsible for the non-white color of the powders. Both powders showed the maximum luminescence peaks around 520nm in the wave length at room temperature. However, the peak position for the PCM powders was shifted to a slightly lower wavelength and the value of half-width of the peak was broad comparing to that of the SSR powders, and the peak intensity decreased significantly. Such a change in the luminescence characteristics was due to the large difference in size for two types of powders and partly the residual carbon in the PCM powders.s. |
Key words:
$SrA1_2$$O_4$, lymerized complex method, Phosphorescence, Particle sire, Emission |