알루미나 세라믹스의 기계적 특성에 미치는 MgO출발물질의 영향 |
조용익, 정상귀, 조성용, 김승재 |
전남대학교 공업기술연구소 |
Effect of Starting Material for MgG on the Mechanical Properties of Alumina Ceramics |
The effect of kind of starting materials used for a sintering additive. magnesium acetate and magnesium nitrate, on the mechanical properties of alumina sintered body made by adding 1000 ppm of the additives, respectively, was investigated. As for the alumina sintered bodies prepared from magnesium acetate and magnesium nitrate, we observed that their relative densities decreased rapidly with increasing sintering temperature 1$600^{circ}C$. Outer layer of alumina bodies had a duplex microstructure consisting of pores and grain growth. Also the inner layer had a second phase between alumina grain boundaries. By EPMA analysis, we confirmed that the grain boundary phase was a compound containing Mg. |
Key words:
$Al_2$$O_3$granules, Sintering additive, Spray-dryer, Weibull modulus, Flexural strength |