MoO3가 첨가된 Cr2O3플라즈마 용사코팅의 상온 마찰 마멸 특성 |
여인웅, 안효석, 임대순1 |
한국과학기술연구원 트라이볼로지연구센터 1고려대학교 재료공학과 |
Friction and Wear Properties of Plasma-sprayed Cr2O3-MoO3Composite Coatings at Room Temperature |
Plasma-sprayed Cr$_2$O$_3$-based coatings containing MoO$_3$were studied to gain a better understanding of the influence of MoO$_3$composition in the coatings on their tribological behaviour. A reciprocal type tribo-tester was employed to examine friction and wear behavior of the specimens at room temperature. The physical characteristics of worn surfaces were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and chemical composition of the coating surfaces was analyzed using a X-ray photoelectron spectrometer. The results showed that friction coefficient of the MoO$_3$-added coatings were lower than those without MoO$_3$addition. However pure Cr$_2$O$_3$coating showed the lowest wear loss at the self-mated test. The larger protecting layers were observed at the worn surface of plasma spray coated specimens with MoO$_3$addition. XPS analysis of the protecting layer indicated that MoO$_3$composition was dominantly formed at the surface. MoO$_3$composition in the protecting layer appears to be more favorable in reducing the friction. |
Key words:
Plasma-sprayed coatings, $Cr_2$$O_3$, $MoO_3$, Friction and wear, Protecting layer |