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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 38(12); 2001 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2001;38(12): 1162.
산화철 폐촉매로부터 합성된 NiZn- 페라이트의 자기적 특성
황연, 권순길1, 이효숙2, 제해준3, 박상일
서울산업대학교 재료공학과
1국방과학연구소 기술연구본부
2한국지질자원연구원 자원활용연구부
3한국과학기술연구원 재료연구부
Magnetic Properties of NiZn-ferrite Synthesized from Waste Iron Oxide Catalyst
NiZn-ferrite was synthesized from waste catalysts, which were produced from styrene monomer process and buried underground as an industrial wastes, and its magnetic properties were investigated. Nickel oxide and zinc oxide powders were mixed with finely ground waste catalysts, and spinel type ferrite was obtained by calcination at 900$^{C}$ and sintering at 1230$^{C}$ for 5 hours. The intial permeability was measured and reflection loss was calculated from S-parameters for the composition of Ni$_$x/Zn$_$1-x/Fe$_2$O$_4$(x=0.36, 0.50, 0.66). NiZn-ferrite synthesized from waste iron oxide catalyst showed a feasibility for the use as electromagnetic wave absorber in X-band.
Key words: Waste iron oxide catalyst, NiZn-ferrite, Electromagnetic wave absorber, Recycling
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