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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 38(11); 2001 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2001;38(11): 1067.
벤토나이트가 포함된 자동산화 건조형 수성코팅제의 제조 및 특성
이석기, 구광모1, 이병교1
경일대학교 공업화학과
1경북대학교 무기재료공학과
Preparation and Properties of Autoxidation Drying Type Waterborne Coatings Containing Bentonite
Four different composition of autoxidation drying type waterborne coatings (WBC-1, WBC-2, WBC-3, WBC-4) were prepared by the compounding of bentonite (BEN) as a water swellable clay and organometallic soaps as a drier with acrylic binder and coating additives. The solution viscosity, solid content, rheological properties and drying rate of WBCs were investigated. Also the thermal stability, the transmittance and the water-resistance of the films casted by WBCs were measured, and the surface topology of WBC films were investigated by the scanning probe microscopy. As WBC-2, WBC-3 and WBC-4 containing BEN showed the thixotropy with the shear rate, the storage stability of WBC was a excellent. When the driers was mixed in the ratio of Mn/Zn/Ba=1/2/3, the dry ability of WBCs showed maximum as 5.0 sec at 60$^{C}$. The initial decomposition temperature and the transmittance of WBC films containing BEN increased in range of 32.2∼54.7$^{C}$ and 5.1∼8.6% than the commercial WBC (MC-21W), respectively. The water resistance of WBC films increased in order of MC-21W
Key words: Bentonite, Drier, Waterborne coatings, Thixotropy, Topology
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