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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 38(10); 2001 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2001;38(10): 948.
소결 조건이 스크린 인쇄법으로 제조한 PZT계 후막의 물성에 미치는 영향
이봉연, 천채일, 김정석, 김준철1, 방규석1, 이형규1
호서대학교 신소재공학과
1전자부품연구원 소자통신부품센터
Effect of Sintering Conditions on Properties of PZT-based Thick Films Prepared by Screen Printing
Bong-Yeon Lee, Chae-Il Cheon, Jeong-Seog Kim, Jon-Chul Kim1, Kyu-Seok Bang1, Hyeung-Gyu Lee1
Department of Materials Engineering, Hoseo University
1Electronic Components Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute
PZT thick films were fabricated on alumina substrates by a screen printing method. They were sintered at $750^{circ}C{sim}1050^{circ}C$ for 1 h under air or Pb atmosphere. Pyrochlore was observed as a second phase in PZT thick films sintered in air at temperatures of $950^{circ}C$ and higher. PZT thick films sintered under Pb atmosphere showed denser microstructure, higher dielectric constant, and better-developed P-E hysteresis curve than the films sintered in air. PZT thick films sintered at $900^{circ}C$ under Pb atmosphere showed the typical ferroelectric hysteresis with remanent polarization of $29.8{mu}C/cm^2$ and coercive field of 48.4 kV/cm.
Key words: PZT, Thick film, Atmosphere sintering
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