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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 38(9); 2001 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2001;38(9): 839.
${cdot}$저준위 방사성폐기물 유리고화체의 물리${cdot}$화학적 특성 연구
김천우, 박병철, 김향미, 김태욱, 최관식, 박종길, 신상운, 송명재
한국수력원자력(주) 원자력환경기술원
Studies on the Physico-chemical Properties of Vitrified Forms of the Low- and Intermediate-level Radioactive Waste
Cheon-Woo Kim, Byoung-Chul Park, Hyang-Mi Kim, Tae-Wook Kim, Kwan-Sik Choi, Jong-Kil Park, Sang-Woon Shin, Myung-Jae Song
Nuclear Environment Technology Institute, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., LTD
In order to vitrify the Ion-Exchange Resin(IER), Dry Active Waste(DAW), and borate concentrate generated from the commercial nuclear facilities, the glass formulation study based on the their compositions was performed. Two glasses named as RG-1 and DG-1 were formulated as the candidate glasses for the vitrification of hte IER and DAW, respectively. A glass named as MG-1 was also formulated as a candidate glass for the vitrification of the mixed wastes containing the IER, DAW, and borate concentrate. The process parameters, product qualities, and economics were evaluated for the candidate glasses and confirmed experimentally for the some properties. The glass viscosity and electrical conductivity as the process parameters were in the desired ranges. the product qualities such as glass density, chemical durability, phase stability, etc. were satisfactory. In case of vitrifying the wastes using our developed glass formulation study, the volume reduction factors for the IER, DAW and mixed wastes were evaluated as 21, 89 and 75, respectively.
Key words: Vitrification, Glass formulation, PCT, TCLP
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