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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 37(2); 2000 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2000;37(2): 117.
Aerosol Flame Deposition법을 이용한 Er-doped Sodium Borosilicate 유리박막 제작에 관한 연구
문종하, 정형곤1, 이정우1, 박강희, 박현수, 김병훈
전남대학교 세라믹공학과, 신소재 연구소
1전남대학교 물리학과
Fabrication of Er-doped Sodium Borosilicate Glass Films Using Aerosol Flame Deposition Method
Er-doped sodiumborosilicate glass films for waveguides amplifier were fabricated by Aerosol Flame Deposition(AFD) method. Al2O3 was added to sodium borosilicate glass films to suppress the formation of crystalline phase and control the refractive index. the formation of crystalline phase was suppressed above Al2O3 of 6 wt%. As the amount of Al2O3 increased from 2 to 12 wt% the refractive index of glass films increased lineary from 1.4595 up to 1.4710. After the core of 77SiO2-15B2O3-8Na2O+6 wt%Al2O3+8wt%Er2O3 was coated on the buffer layer of 77SiO2-15B2O3-8Na2O+6 wt%Al2O3, the core was etched by reactive ion etching. The absorption spectrum of 3 cm waveguide amplifier showed two peaks of 1530 and 1550 nm.
Key words: Aerosol flame deposition(AFD) method, Sodium borosilicate glass films, Reactive ion etching, Absorption spectrum
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