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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 36(12); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1999;36(12): 1350.
저온 소성용 $SiO_2-TiO_2-Bi_2O_3-RO$계 (RO;BaO-CaO-SrO) Glass/Ceramic 유전체의 $AI_2O_3$ 함량에 따른 소결 및 유전 특성의 변화
윤장석, 이인규, 임욱1, 조현민1, 박종철1
한국항공대학교 항공재료공학과
1전자부품연구원 통신부품연구센터
A study on the sintering and Dielectric Characteristics of Low Temperature Sinterable $SiO_2-TiO_2-Bi_2O_3-RO$ System (RO:BaO-CaO-SrO) Glass/Ceramic Dielectrics as a Function of $AI_2O_3$ Content
Sintering characteristics and dielectric properties of low temperature sinterable Glass/Ceramic dielectric materials were investigated. The dielectric materials which were developed for microwave frequency applications consist of SiO2-TiO2-Bi2O3-RO system(RO:BaO-CaO-SrO) crystallizable glass and Al2O3 as a ceramic filler. Sintering experiments showed that no more densification occurred above 80$0^{circ}C$ and bulk density and shrinkage depended on Al2O3 content only. Results of dielectric measurements showed that $varepsilon$r Q$times$f and $tau$f of the material containing 30wt% Al2O3 were 17.3, 600 and +23 ppm respectively. Those values for 45 and 60wt% Al2O3 samples were 11.6, 1400, +0.7 ppm and 7.2, 2000, -8.5 ppm, repectively. The results clearly showed that the Glas/Ceramic materials of present experiment decreased in $varepsilon$r and increased in $times$f value and changed from positive to negative value in $tau$f value with the increasement of Al2O3 content.
Key words: LTCC, Glass/Ceramic, Crystallizable glass, Dielectric
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