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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 36(12); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1999;36(12): 1381.
HIP법으로 제조한 $(Y,Nb)-TZP/Al_2O_3$ 복합체의 기계적 특성
이득용, 김대준1, 이명현1, 황해진2
대림대학 금속재료과
1KIST 재료연구부
2일본나고야 공업기술연구소
Mechanical Properties of Hot Isostatic Pressed $(Y,Nb)-TZP/Al_2O_3$ Composites
(Y, Nb)-TZP with a composition of 90.24 mol% ZrO2-5.31 mol% Y2O3-4.45 mol% Nb2O5 and (Y,Nb)-TZP/Al2O3 composite were sintered for 2 h at 150$0^{circ}C$ and subsequently isostatically hot pressed for 0.5h at 150$0^{circ}C$ under 100 MPa in argon gas to evaluate mechanical properties of (Y,Nb)-TZPs prepared by different methods Regardless of preparation methods no monoclinic ZrO2 phase was observed for specimens after annealing for 20 h at 18$0^{circ}C$ under 3.5 MPa water vapor pressure indicating that specimens are stable under autoclave conditions. The optimized mechanical properties of the sintered (Y,Nb)-TZP/Al2O3 composite and the HIPed (Y,Nb)-TZP/Al2O3 composite were observed when 30vol% of 2.8${mu}{textrm}{m}$ Al2O3 was added respectively. The optimized strength and fracture toughness of the HIPed (Y,Nb)-TZP/Al2O3 composite were 944 MPa and 9.9MPa.m1/2 respectively. The increase in fracture toughness of the composite is likely attributed to the combined effects of grain bridging crack deflection and Kres/R-curve toughening
Key words: $ZrO_2$, Dental Implant Abutment, Hot Isostatic Press, $K_{res}/R-curve$ toughening
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