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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 36(11); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1999;36(11): 1266.
$Zr_0.8Sn_0.2TiO_4$ 요업체에서 열처리 온도에 따른 확산유기 입계이동
김억곤, 김정주, 김남경, 조상희
경북대학교 무기재료공학과
Diffusion Induced Grain-Boundary Migration with Heat Treatment Temperature of $Zr_0.8Sn_0.2TiO_4$ Ceramics
Behaviors of diffusion induced grain-boundary migration (DIGM) in ZST ceramics which have been used as mic-rowave dielectrics were investigated as a function of heat treatment temperature. The specimens were sintered for 2h at 140$0^{circ}C$ with the addition of 1-9wt% La2O3 when the specimens were het-treated in SnO2 atmosphere at 135$0^{circ}C$ the grain-boundaries migrated away from their centers of curvature leaving behind an SnO2 rich solid solution. On the contrary when the specimens were heat-treated in SnO2 atmsophere at 140$0^{circ}C$ DIGM did not occur. The coherency breaking at thin diffusion zone ahead of the migrating grain-boundary be expected to occur due to fast bulk diffusion at high temperature
Key words: ZST, DIGM, Heat treatment, Microwave dielectrics
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