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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 36(9); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1999;36(9): 901.
LPMOCVD 법으로 증착된 TiO$_2$ 박막의 특성
이하용, 박용환, 고경현1, 박정훈2, 홍국선2
아주대학교 재료공학과
1아주대학교 재료공학
2서울대학교 재료공학부
Properties of TiO$_2$ Thin Film Deposited by LPMOCVD
Effects of LPMOCVD process parameters on the properties of TiO2 thin film were investigated. Depositions were made in the range of temperature 300-67$0^{circ}C$ with various TTIP(Titanium Tetraisopropoxide) concentrations by contrlling bubbler temperature(40-8$0^{circ}C$) and/or flow rate(30-90 sccm). Post annealing treatments were carried out at 500-80$0^{circ}C$ range in the air. Films deposited at 40$0^{circ}C$ have denser morphology than those of films deposited at 50$0^{circ}C$ and $600^{circ}C$ due to slower deposition rate. Bubbler temperature can affect on the deposition rate in mass transfer controlled regime such as 50$0^{circ}C$ or higher but not below 50$0^{circ}C$ where surface reaction rate becomes important. On the contrary for films deposited above 50$0^{circ}C$ flow rate can raise deposition rate but eventually saturate it at the 50 sccm and above due to retarded adhesion of decomposed species. But for films deposited at 40$0^{circ}C$ deposition rate increases stadily with flow rate. As the film becomes more porous A(200) texture can not be developed and AnataselongrightarrowRutile transition kinetics increases.
Key words: TiO$_2$, LPMOCVD, Deposition rate, Anatase, Rutile, Transition
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