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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 36(8); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1999;36(8): 863.
SiO$_2$ 박막을 이용한 SOI 직접접합공정 및 특성
유연혁, 최두진
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
Processing and Characterization of a Direct Bonded SOI using SiO$_2$ Thin Film
SOI(silicon on insulafor) was fabricated through the direct bonding using (100) Si wafer and 4$^{circ}$off (100) Si wafer to investigate the stacking faults in silicon at the Si/SiO2 oxidized and bonded interface. The treatment time of wafer surface using MSC-1 solution was varied in order to observe the effect of cleaning on bonding characteristics. As the MSC-1 treating time increased surface hydrophilicity was saturated and surface microroughness increased. A comparison of surface hydrophilicity and microroughness with MSC-1 treating time indicates that optimum surface modified condition for time was immersed in MSC-1 for 2 min. The SOI structure directly bonded using (100) Si wafer and 4$^{circ}$off (100) Si wafer at the room temperature were annealed at 110$0^{circ}C$ for 30 min. Then the stacking faults at the bonding and oxidation interface were examined after the debonding. The results show that there were anomalies in the gettering of the stacking faults at the bonded region.
Key words: SOI(silicon on insulator), Direct bonding, SC-1, Defect
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