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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(12); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(12): 1280.
슬러리 발포에 의한 연속성 무기질 다공체의 제조
박재구, 이정식
한양대학교 공과대학 자원·환경공학과
Preparation of Porous Inorganic Materials by Foaming Slurry
Foaming method is presented the preparation of porous materials from high-concentrated kaolin silica and flyash slurries. The slurries were foamed dried and sintered respectively. The porosity of sintered ma-terials was about 70-75% Mean pore-size was the range of 70-150$mutextrm{m}$ and pore structure was continuous Sodium lauryl sulfate anionic surfactant was used as a foaming agent. The foaming ability and the froth sta-bility were increased with increasing the concentration of the foaming agent. But the size of the constituent bubble of froth after foaming process was not affected by the concentration of the foaming agent. These results showed that the mean pore-size of sintered materials was closely related to the froth stability which is related to the change of bubble-size during the drying process.
Key words: Porous materials, Foaming agent, Froth stability
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