CSA계 혼합 시멘트 수화에 미치는 Boric Acid 의 영향 |
유광석, 이경희, 김남호1, 이양수1, 안광훈, 이재원2, 임굉3 |
명지공과대학 무기재료공학과 1동양중앙연구소 2명지공과대학 무기재료공학 3배재대학교 공과대학 신소재공학부 |
Effects of H$_2$BO$_3$ on the Hydration of $C_4$A$_3$S Blended Rapid Hardign Cement |
The study was carried on the influence of {{{{ { {H }_{3 }BO }_{3 } }} for hydration of blended rapid hardening cement which was composed of {{{{ {{C }`_{4 } ^{ }A }_{3 } }} Adding {{{{ { {H }_{3 }BO }_{3 } }} to the mortar of blended rapid hardening cement delayed the setting time and increased the flow of the mortar. When {{{{ { {H }_{3 }BO }_{3 } }} added to the blended rapid hardening cement mono-sulfate was produced rather than ettringite and the existing time of monosulfate also prolonged. After hours monosulfate was converted to ettringite through being producted like gels. This monosulfate phase in-fluences on the setting time and flow of fresh mortar, |
Key words:
C$_4$A$_3$H$_2$BO$_3$ Retarder, Monosulfate, Ettringite, Rapid harding, Blended cement |