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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(4); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(4): 333.
Ti$_3$SiC$_2$의 기계적 성질 및 접촉 손상 거동
미국 표준 기술연구소
Mechanical Propertis and Contact Damage Behavior of Ti$_3$SiC$_2$
Mechanical properties of polycrystalline{{{{ {Ti }_{3 }{SiC}_{2 } }} were investigated. Hertzian indentation test using a spher-ical indenter was used to study elastic and plastic behavior in{{{{ {Ti }_{3 }{SiC}_{2 } }} A high ratio of hardness to elastic mo-dulus indicated that mechanical properties of{{{{ {Ti }_{3 }{SiC}_{2 } }} are somehow similar to those of metals. Indentation stress-strain curve deviated from an ideal elastic limit indicating exceptional plasticity in this material. De-formation zones were formed below the contact as well as around the contact area. Intragrain slip would ac-count for high plasticity.
Key words: Hertzian, Indentation stress-strain curve, Plasticity, Slip, Ti$_3$SiC$_2$
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