$(Mg_{0.93}Ca_{0.07})TiO_3$ 세라믹스의 소결 및 마이크로파 유전특성에 미치는 $B_2O_3$의 영향 |
이득우, 박재환1, 김인태1, 박재관1, 김윤호1, 최덕균 |
한양대학교 무기재료공학과 1한국과학기술연구원 복합기능세라믹스연구센터 |
Effects of $B_2O_3$ Addition on the Sintering Behavior and the Microwave Dielectric Properties of $(Mg_{0.93}Ca_{0.07})TiO_3$ Ceramics |
The effects of B2O3 addition on the sintering behavior and th microwave dielectric properties of $(Mg_{0.93}Ca_{0.07})TiO_3$ ceramics were investigated. By addition of $B_2O_3$, increases the density of the ceramics increases and grain growth enhances, It was densified to over 94% of $(Mg_{0.93}Ca_{0.07})TiO_3$ theoretical density by the addition of 0.15-1.0wt% B2O3 and stable microwave dielectric properties observed by the addition of 0.2-0.4wt% $B_2O_3.;(Mg_{0.93}Ca_{0.07})TiO_3$ ceramics sintered at $1200^{circ}C$ exhibits maximum dielectric constants of 24-25 quality factor($Q{times}f$) of more than 70000 and temperature coefficient of resonant frequency of $0;ppm/^{circ}C$ by adding of 0.15-0.4wt% $B_2O_3$. |
Key words:
Microwave ceramics, $(Mg_{0.93}Ca_{0.07})TiO_3$, Quality factor, Low temperature sintering |