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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 35(2); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1998;35(2): 115.
가스압 소결조건에 따른 질화규소볼의 가공성에 대한 연구
이수완, 김성호, 정용선1
선문대학교 공과대학 재료공학과
1한양대학교 세라믹 공정 연구센터
A Study on Machinability of Silicon Nitride Ball Sintered by Various Gas Pressure Sintering(GPS) Conditions
The effect of sintering conditions on the sinterability for silicon nitride has been studied by many in-vestigators. However the effect of sintering conditions on the machinability which is the major barrier to the field applications of the ceramic components has not been fully studied. In this study the sintering con-ditions such as temperature gas pressure and time in silicon nitride were varied. The physical and mechan-ical properties of the gas pressure sintered (GPS) silicon nitride were measured. The optimum mi-crostructure of silicon nitride with the excellent machinability was investigated by MFG(magnetic-fluid grinding) technique. An attempt was made to figure out how the mechanical properties influence upon the machinability of silicon nitride ball.
Key words: Machinability, grinding, Ceramic ball, Gas pressure sintering, Silicon nitride
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