Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1997;34(10): 1060. |
La 첨가가 DRAM 캐퍼시터용 PLZT 박막의 특성에 미치는 영향 |
김지영 |
국민대학교 금속재료공학부 |
The Effects of La Doping on Characteristics of PLZT Thin Films for DRAM Capacitor Applications |
In this paper, the effects of La addition of PLZT thin film prepared by sol-gel method on the capacitor characteristics are investigated for gigabit generation DRAM applications. The addition of La on the PLZT capacitor results in a trade-off between charge storage density(Qc') and leakage current density(Jl). As La content increases, Qc' and permeability(εr) at 0V are reduced while Jl is significantly decreased. It is demonstrated that 5% La doping of PZT can substantially reduce Jl and also improve resistance to fatigue while incurring only minimal degradation of Qc'. Very low leakage current density (5×10-7 A/㎠ even at 125℃) and high charge storage density (100fC/㎛2) under VDD/2=1V conditions are achieved using 5% La doped PZT thin films for gigabit DRAM capacitor dielectrics. In addition, the fatigue and TDDB measurements indicate good reliability of the PLZT capacitors. |
Key words:
PLZT, Sol-gel, DRAM, Capacitor, Ferroelectrics |