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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 34(4); 1997 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1997;34(4): 343.
분말 충전 성형법을 이용한 SiC-Al Alloy 복합체의 제조
박정현, 송준광, 백승수, 염강섭, 강민수
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
Preparation of SiC-Al alloy Composite by Pressureless Powder Packing Forming Method
To fabricate the ceramic/metal(SiC/ Al alloy) composite, SiC preform was prepared by Pressureless Powder Packing Forming Method and 6061 Al alloy was infiltrated into the preform. Uniform compact having an average pore size of 10 ${mu}{textrm}{m}$ and narrow pore size distribution was prepared. Phenolic resin solution(40 wt%) was penetrated into the SiC compact, and then the compact was preheated at the temperature of 120$0^{circ}C$. The pore size distribution and the microstructure of the preform were not changed by preheating. An uniform microstructure without any crack in the preform was obtained in SiC-Al alloy composite. The infiltration of 6061. Al alloy into the preform began at the temperature of 130$0^{circ}C$ and the amount of infiltration increased in proportion to the infiltration temperature and the soaking time. The increasement rate of the infiltration amount decreased after 3 h. As a result of the infiltration at 140$0^{circ}C$ for 4 h, Al alloy was well distributed in the interparticle channels and the relative density of the composite was above 98%. The strength and the fracture toughness of the composite were 303 MPa and 21.65 MPam1/2, respectively.
Key words: Pressureless powder packing forming method, SiC-Al alloy composite, Molten metal infiltration
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