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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 34(1); 1997 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1997;34(1): 13.
용융법에 의한 수용성 유리의 제조 및 특성(II) : 용해 특성, 살균 효과 및 세포 독성
오승한, 조종호1, 최세영, 오영제2
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
1삼성전관 주식회사
2한국과학기술연구원 세라믹스부
Preparation and Characterization of Water-Soluble Glass Through Melting Process(II) : Dissolution Characteristics, Bactericidal Effects and Cytotoxicity
Water-soluble phosphate glasses containing Ag and Cu ion were prepared through melting process. Dis-solution characteristics, bactericidal effect and cytotoxicity were investigated with composition and time in D. I. water using the powdered sample. Surface change were observed with increasing dissolution time us-ing the bulk specimen. Dissolution amount was maximum at the molar Ag:Cu ratio of 1 and increased with increasing time. The behavior of dissolution was total dissolution from the early stage. But no new layer was observed at the glass surface during dissolution. The bactericidal effect for pseudomonas sp, e. coli, sta-phylococcus aureus, and salmonella increased with increasing dissolution amount and therefore great bac-tericidal effect appeared. The result of cytotoxicity experiment to L929 showed that solution with more than 10 ppm of Ag ion had strong cytotoxicity.
Key words: Water-soluble, Phosphate glass, Ag ion, Cu ion, Dissolution, Bactericidal effect, Cytotoxicity
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