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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(12); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(12): 1353.
졸-겔법에 의한 CdS 분산$SiO_2$ Glass 박막의 비선형광학특성
문종수, 강종봉, 김경문1
경남대학교 무기재료공학과
Recently semiconductor doped glasses have attracted attention as nonlinear optical materials because of their large third order nonlinear optical properties. The transparent and homogeneous CdS-doped SiO2 glass thin films were obtained by the dip=coating process of the sol-gel method. Thin films were consisted of glasses containing CdS microcrystallites which were formed by dissolved Cd2+ and S2- ions in a SiO2 matrix solutions. A subsequent thermal treatment of this samples led the formation of colloidal agglomerates and finally of microcrystallites. The size of CdS microcrystallites was about 4 to 15 nm after thermal treatments at various heating conditions. From the optical absorption spectra of the CdS-doped SiO2 glass films it was found that the absorption edge was blue-shifted compared with that of the bulk CdS crystal(~2, 4 eV) and that the amount of energy shift was inversely proportional to the crystal size. And the band gap energy increased with the decrease in crystallite size indicating that the quantum size effects occured.
Key words: Third order nonlinear optical rpoperties, Dip-coating process, band gap energy, Absorption edge, Quantum size effect
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