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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(8); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(8): 935.
펄스화학기상침트법에 의한 탄소/탄소 복합재료의 치밀화에 있어서 가스유지시간 유무의 영향
이용근, 류호진, 박희동
한국화학연구소 무기소재부
Densification of Carbon/Carbon Composites by Pulse CVI with and without Residence
Two-dimensional carbon/carbon preforms made of PAN-based carbon yarn and phenolic resin were densified with pyrolysis of propane by pulse chemical vapor infiltration where repeated the cycle of gas introduction residence and evacuation. Maximim density increment was 14% when infiltration temperature and time were 100$0^{circ}C$ and 21.25 hrs respectively. The distribution of deposits of pyrocarbon by this process has been occurred uniformly in the bottom middle and top of carbon/carbon composite preform Pulse CVI with residence is most effective in increasing density and shortening infiltration time among isothermal CVI and pulse CVI with and without residence.
Key words: Pulse chemical vapor infiltration, Carbon/carbon composites, Induction heating
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