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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(4); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(4): 411.
Self-Sustaining Combustion Process를 이용한 NiO/YSZ 초미세 복합분말 제조
김선재, 정충환, 김경호1, 김영석1, 국일현
한국원자력연구소 기반연구그룹 원자력신소재개발팀 정밀요업재료개발분야
1한국원자력연구소 기반연구그룹 원자력신소재개발팀 정밀요업재료개발분
Preparation of NiO/YSZ Ultra-Fine Powder Composites Using Self-Sustaining Combustion Process
Ultrafine NiO/YSZ (Yttria Stabilized Zirconia) powders were made by using a glycine nitrate process which is used as anode material for solid oxide fuel cells. The specific surface areas of synthesized NiO/YSZ powders were examined with controlling pH of a precursor solution and the content of glycine. The binding of glycine with metal nitrates occurring in the precursor solution was analyzed by using FTIR. The characteristics of synthesized powders were examined with X-ray diffraction(XRD) Brunauer Emmett Teller with N2 absorption. scanning electron microscopy (SEM). and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Ultrafine NiO/YSZ powders of 15-18 m2/g were obtained through GNP when the content of glycine was controlled to 1 or 2 times the stoichiometric ratio in the precursor solutions. Strongly acid precursor solution increased the specific surface area of the synthesized powders. This is suggested to be the increased binding of metal nitrates and glycine under a strong acid solution of pH=0.5 that lets glycine consist of mainly the amine group of {{{{ { NH}`_{3 } ^{+ } }}. After sintering and reducing treatment of NiO/YSZ powders synthesized by GNP the Ni/YSZ pellet showed ideal microstructure where very fine Ni particles of 3-5 ${mu}{textrm}{m}$ were distributed uniformly and fine pore around Ni metal particles was formed. leading to anincrease of the triple phase boundary among gas Ni and YSZ.
Key words: Glycine nitrate process, SOFC, Anode material, NiO/YSZ, Ultra-fine powder composites
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