Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(3): 259. |
철계 액상을 통한 붕화지르코늄의 소결 |
우상국, 한인섭, 김흥수, 양준환, 강을손1, 김종희2 |
한국에너지기술연구소 에너지재료연구팀 1국방과학연구소 2한국과학기술원 재료공학과 |
Sintering of Zriconium Diboride through Fe-based Liquid Phase |
In the present study the effect of the addition of Fe on the pressureless and hot press sintering behavior was studied under Ar atmosphere. Pressureless sintering was performed 1900~220$0^{circ}C$ under. Ar atmosphere. The addition of 1 wt% Fe was increased effectively of the sintered density. However it was impossible to obtain high density higher than 90%,. Zr-Fe-B compound in liquid phase was observed from the EDS and WDS analysis. It was considered that sinterability was enhanced due to the mass transfer through Fe based liquid phase formed at the sintering temperature. Hot pressing was performed at 1600~1$700^{circ}C$ under Ar atmos-phere for 1 hr. It was possible obtain 95% relative density of ZrB2 specimen which is higher density at pressure-less sintering. It could be thought that ZrB2 particles was rearranged through liquid phase by applied pressure during initial stage of sintering. |
Key words:
Zriconium diboride, Pressureeless sintering, Hot pressing, Zr-Fe-B compound, Liuqid phase |