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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(2); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(2): 214.
적층 세라믹콘덴서 제조공정에서 $BaTiO_3$의 분산이 테이프캐스팅 성형체의 물성에 미치는 영향
김봉호, 김병관1, 김명호, 백운규
창원대학교 재료공학과
1창원대학교 공업화학과
Effect of $BaTiO_3$ Dispersion on the Properties of Cast Tapes in Processing of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor(MLCC)
The effect of physicochemical properties of organic solvent and dispersant among organic solvent dispersant binder and plasticizer which are used as processing additives in MLCC fabrication process on the dispersion of BaTiO3 was studied. The steric and electrostatic stabilization mechanisms in dispersion of BaTiO3 in organic media were evaluated respectively. The sttability of BaTiO3 achieved bysteric stabilization was dependent on the fraction of surface coverage of dispersant adsorption on BaTiO3. The electrostatic repulsive forces of BaTiO3 particles dispersed in orgainc media was found to be appreciabley great and dependent mainly on the kinds of organic solvent used. The mechanism affecting the stability of BaTiO3 was studied by the method of rheologi-cal behaviors of BaTiO3 suspension.
Key words: MLCC, $BaTiO_3$, Dispersant, Binder, Adsorption
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