점토 결합 SiC 소결체의 마찰 마모 특성 |
한상준, 이경희, 이재한, 김홍기 |
명지대학교 무기재료공학과 |
Tribological Properties of Clay Bonded SiC |
SiC had been widely applied for mechanical sealing as a sealing material. SiC sintering is commonly made of reaction sintering, presureless sintering, and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) sintering. In this investigation, however, clay bonded sintering was used to avoide any complications of the special sintering methods as mentioned above. In order to prevent harmful SiC oxidation in the clay bonded sintering, clay and frit were used to form the SiC oxidation protecting layer and graphite was added to provide high solid lubricity. As a result, the material with 6% clay (clay 5.4% and frit 0.6%) and 2~4% graphite (45 mesh) sintered at 140$0^{circ}C$ for 3 hours, showed the following physical properties; porosity 6%, static friction coefficient 0.15, kinematic coefficient 0.1,. and specific wear rate 4.8$times$10-8 $textrm{mm}^2$kgf-1. On the other hand, the flexural strength was 900kgf/$textrm{cm}^2$. This tribological characteristic properties were similar to those of the reaction sintered SiC except the flexural strength. |
Key words:
Mechanical seals, Clay bonded silicon carbide, Porosity, Wear, Friction, Tribology, Ceramics |