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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 32(5); 1995 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1995;32(5): 535.
반응표면분석법에 의한 $(Zr_{1-x}Sn_x)TiO_4$계 교주파 유전 특성
김왕섭, 최환, 문영립, 김경용
한국과학기술연구원, 세라믹 공정센터
Microwave Dielectric Properties of $(Zr_{1-x}Sn_x)TiO_4$ Ceramics in the Response Surface Methodology
The effect of sintering temperature, sintering time and forming pressure on microwave dielectric properties of (Zr1-xSnx)TiO4 ceramics containing 1.0wt% B2O3, 0.3 wt% La2O3 and 1.0wt% NiTa2O6 was investigated using the response surface methodology. The optimum values of processing variables were determined based on the reproducibility. The optimum values of the dielectric constant of >35. Q.f0 of >55000 and $tau$f=$pm$5 ppm/$^{circ}C$ could be obtained when the sample was pressed at 500~600kg/$textrm{cm}^2$ and sintered at 1500~155$0^{circ}C$ for 2~3 hrs.
Key words: $(Zr_{1-x}Sn_x)TiO_4$, Sintering additive, Processing variables, Microwave dielectric properties, Response surface methodology
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