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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 32(2); 1995 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1995;32(2): 163.
마그네슘 페라이트에서 강자성 공명의 시료 크기 의존성 연구
한기태, 백종규
국방과학연구소 기술연구본부 3부
A Study on Sample Size Dependence of Ferromagnetic Resonance in Polycrystalline Magnesium Ferrites
Sample size effect on ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) in polycrystalline MgFe2O4 has been investigated. The signal intensity (SI), resonance field (Hres) and line width (ΔH) were found to increase proportionally to r3 with the increase of sample radius. The r3-depencence of SI means the complete penetration of rf-field into the sample, and the broadening of ΔH due to the sample size appears to be closely related to the amount of scattering sources like pores. Meanwhile, the values of Hres (0) and ΔH (0) obtained by extrapolating the data of Hres (r) and ΔH (r) measured at several sizes to r=0, were in good agreement with those calculated using the Schlomann's equations for internal field and ΔH, respectively. This result indicates that the discrepancy between the measured FMR parameters and those calculated by Schlomann's equation could be ascribed to the effect of sample size. Thus it is suggested that the size effect on FMR should be removed for the analysis of the FMR parameters. Meanwhile, our result for the size dependance of ΔH was found to be contradictory to those reported by Dionne, where ΔH 1/r at a given surface roughness. This discrepancy appears to arise from the difference in the definition of reading the line width.
Key words: Size effect, FMR, Magnesium ferrite, Polycrystalline ferrite
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