Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1995;32(1): 25. |
니켈-아연 페라이트 소결체와 복합체의 전파흡수특성 |
조성백, 오재희 |
인하대학교 무기재료공학과 |
The Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave Absorption in Sintered and Composite Ni-Zn Ferrites |
The frequenc dependence of magnetic permeability($mu$r) and dielectric constant($varepsilon$r) in MHz-GHz frequency range and their relationships with microwave absorbing properties were investigated in sintered and composite Ni-Zn ferrites, respectively. It was confirmed that zero reflection condition was required the real parts of permeability and permittivity in sintered specimen, and the complex permeability, permittivity and dielectric loss tangent in composite specimen. The real part of permittivity varied with the replacement of nickel by manganese in sintered Ni-Zn ferrite. Therefore, we could control the matching frequency and matching thickness. |
Key words:
Complex permeability, Complex permittivity, Impedance matching, Matching frequency, Matching thickness |