ZnO의 전기전도도에 미치는 CuO 및 $Al_2O_3$의 첨가영향 |
전석택, 최경만 |
포항공과대학교 재료금속공학과 |
Effect of CuO and $Al_2O_3$ Addition on the Electrical Conductivity of ZnO |
In order to examine the effect of CuO and Al2O3 addition on the electrical conductivity of ZnO, both Al2O3 (0, 1, 2, 5, 10at.%) and CuO (1, 5at.%) were added to ZnO. Al2O3 addition (~2at.% Al) increased the total electrical conductivity of ZnO which was already decreased by CuO doping effect Above solid solubility of Al (~2at.%), ZnAl2O4 formed and the total electrical conductivity decreased due to the decrease of sintered density. Impedance measurements were used to know the reason and degree of contribution of three resistive elements, ZnO grain, ZnO/CuO, and ZnO/ZnO grain boundaries, to the total electrical conductivity changed. |
Key words:
ZnO, Electrical conductivity, Impendance, Interface additives |