무가압 분말 충전 성형법을 이용한 알루미나 세라믹스의 제조 (II) 무가압 분말 충전 성형법에 의해 제조된 소결체 특성 관찰 |
박정형, 성재석 |
연세대학교 세라믹공학과 |
Preparation of Alumina Ceramics by Pressureless Powder Packing Forming Method (II) Characterization of Sintered Body Fabricated by Pressureless Powder Packing Forming Method |
The green body was fabricated by a new forming method, pressureless powder packaing forming method, and the characteristics of sintered specimen were investigated. It was found that alumina ceramics prepared by the present method showed porous structure with narrow pore size distribution, and in case of abrasive powder sintered body, compared with dry-pressed specimen, had the nearly same density. Especially, the specimen prepared with spray-dried granules showed the characteristic that granules were not either deformed or fractured during forming and sintering process. Therefore, it was found that this new forming method was effective method in fabrication of porous ceramics on account of easy control of porosity and pore size and its high thermal stability. |
Key words:
Powder packing, Forming method, Alumina, Porous ceramics |