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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 31(10); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1994;31(10): 1176.
플라즈마 용사된 부분안정화 지르코니아 코팅의 상온 마모거동에 미치는 열처리온도 및 분위기의 영향
김장엽, 임대순
고려대학교 재료공학과
The Effects of the Annealing Temperature and Environments on Room Temperature Wear Behavior of Plasma-Sprayed Partially Stabilized Zirconia Coatings
The sliding wear behavior of the plasma-sprayed zirconia containing 3 mol% yttria was investigated after the annealing at room temperature to 80$0^{circ}C$ in various concentrations of humid atmosphere as laboratory, humid, dry argon atmosphere. Both of the friction coefficient and the wear loss increased with increasing temperature up to 80$0^{circ}C$. Surface morphology of the worn samples changed with annealing temperature. The change of monoclinic/tetragonal (m/t) x-ray peak intensity ratio effected the wear behavior. The m/t ratio had maximum value at 20$0^{circ}C$ and decreased with increased temperature in laboratory and humid atmosphere. In argon atmosphere the m/t ratio had no maximum value and decreased with increasing temperature. At all the annealing temperature humid atmosphere had more the m/t ratio value than any other atmosphere. The change of toughness was showed the inversed result of m/t ratio change. The results indicated that the resudial stress which was induced by the different amount of phase transformation takes a detrimental role in wear behavior.
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