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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 31(8); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1994;31(8): 849.
반응결합 소결에 의한 SiC-TiC계 복합재료 제조
한인섭, 김홍수, 우상국, 양준환, 정윤중1
한국에너지기술연구소 에너지재료연구팀
1명지대학교 공과대학 무기재료공학과
Manufacture of SiC-TiC System Composite by the Reaction-Bonded Sintering
The microstructural evolution and crystalline phases of this infiltration of Ti+Al liquids in TiC, SiC, TiC+C, and SiC+C preforms have been investigated. As the Ti and Al mixing ratio in Ti+Al infiltrated liquid changes, the newly formed reaction products, which were reacted from the Ti+Al liquid with preforms, consisted of three major phases as Ti3AlC, Al2Ti4C2 or Al4C3. The TiC grain shape was changed to spheroid, when Ti3AlC was formed. In case of Al2Ti4C2 formation, the platelet grain was formed from the original TiC grain. When Al4C3 was formed, nodular or intergranular fine-grained Al4C3 was formed around the TiC grain, while the original TiC grain shape was not changed.
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