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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 31(8); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1994;31(8): 927.
화학기상증착법을 이용한 알루미나 복합 분리막의 제조
안상욱, 최두진, 현상훈
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
Preparation of Alumina Composite Membranes by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Alumina composite membranes were prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using aluminum-tri-isopropoxide as a precursor. Porous alumina supports were used in deposition, which were in disk shape with mean pore diameter of 0.1 ${mu}{textrm}{m}$ and prepared by slip-coasting process. film deposition morphology on porous support was simulated through depositing alumina film on polycrystalline silicon pattern, and its step coverage observed by SEM showed one deviated from uniform step coverage. N2 permeability through composite membranes and the pressure dependence decreased as the deposition time increased. Initially, the N2 permeability of the top layer was tend to decrease rapidly, and then the degree of decrease in N2 permeability was tend to diminish with deposition time. The N2 permeability increased with heat treatment temperature and the crack was generated in top layer at 100$0^{circ}C$.
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