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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 30(11); 1993 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1993;30(11): 911.
X-선 광전자 분광법(XPS)을 이용한 $PbO-Bi_2O_3-Ga_2O_3$계 적외선 투과 유리의 구조해석
허종, 김춘곤, 김유성
포항공과대학 재료금속공학과
Structural Investigation of Infrared Transmitting $PbO-Bi_2O_3-Ga_2O_3$ Glasses by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) has been empolyed to investigate the structure of PbO-Bi2O3-Ga2O3 glasses. XPS OIS spectra recorded from binary PbO-Ga2O3 glasses clearly showed the presence of two peacks due to bridging and non-bridging oxygens, respectively. Gaussin best-fit deconvolution of the OIS peaks suggested there are substaintial amount of non-bridging oxygens in the structure. Therefore, in addition to the glassforming and charge compensating roles of PbO as suggested from the previous works, role of PbO as network modifiers needs to be considered. Addition of Bi2O3 to binary glasses resulted in the rapid decrease in the amount of non-bridging oxygens as well as in values of FWHM (Full Width at the Half Maximum intensity). It is believed that Bi2O3 form distorted BiO6 octahedra and therefore, work as intermediates. Infrared spectra also suggested that Ga2O3 behave as network-formers in the form of GaO4- tetrahedra.
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