LAS계 내열충격성 재료의 미세구조 제어(II): $Li_2O{cdot}4B_2O_3$ 프릿트 첨가가 ${beta}$-Spodumene의 미세구조 및 열팽창특성에 미치는 영향 |
박정현, 김현민, 이화선 |
연세대학교 세라믹공학과 |
A Study on the Microstructural Control of LAS Ceramics (II): Influence of L$Li_2O{cdot}4B_2O_3$ Frit Addition on the Microstructure and Thermal Expansion of ${beta}$-Spodumene |
Effect of Li2O.4B2O frit on the microstructural and thermal expansion behaviour of $beta$-spodumene ceramics was investigated. With 4.0~8.0 wt.% frit addition, sintering temperature range was enlarged and densification was enhanced through liquid phase sintering. As the amount of frit addition was increased, thermal expansion coefficient was increased to 1.72$times$10-6$^{circ}C$-1 of its highest value, which indicated that the increment of thermal expansion coefficient due to the second phase was constrained. |