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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 29(2); 1992 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1992;29(2): 161.
열처리에 따른 ZnO 바리스터의 비직선 계수의 영향
안충선, 심영재, 조병두
경상대학교 무기재료공학과
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Nonlinear Exponents in ZnO Varistors
Nonlinear exponents and electron trap density variations were observered in ZnO-Bi2O3-MnO2 ternary ZnO varistors as a function of heat treatment temperature. Three kinds of ZnO varistor compositions were selected; i.e. 99.0 ZnO-0.5 Bi2O3-0.5 MnO2, 98.5 ZnO-1.0 Bi2O3-0.5 MnO2, and 98.0 ZnO-1.5 Bi2O3-0.5 MnO2 in mol%. Sintering was done at 1150$^{circ}C$ for three hours, and heat treatments were done at 500$^{circ}C$, 700$^{circ}C$, and 900$^{circ}C$. When heat treated at 500$^{circ}C$, nonlinear exponents were increased regardless of the Bi2O3 amount. Increasing heat treatment temperature above 500$^{circ}C$ resulted in lowering nonlinear exponents. Nonlinear exponents seem to be related to the 0.17 and 0.33 eV electron traps which are possibly of intrinsic origin.
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